狂魔歪傳 V-Hello Elsa!

自從跳舞小丑-潘尼懷斯(Pennywise) 屢次栽在小孩手上之後,牠決定改變獵食對象,將下手目標鎖定為:妙齡女子,這次牠的獵物是…!?(Pennywise:Hello Elsa!)(Pennywise:Do you want a balloon?)(Elsa:I’m not supposed to take stuff from strangers。)(Pennywise:Now we aren’t strangers。Are we?)(Only You~)(Pennywise : Time to float~)(Pennywise : Tasty,tasty,beautiful lady。)(Pennywise : There is more…beauty。)(Dig in!)[……]

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狂魔歪傳 IV-龍母回來了(Daenerys is back)

2019年,HBO自製的史詩影集:冰與火之歌:權力遊戲(Game of Thrones),在網路部分的撻伐聲中,落幕了,不少死忠影名不滿最終結果,要求HBO重製,但是,你認為可能嗎…?與其要求製片公司重拍,不如自己來延續劇情!(所以,這次龍母回來了!)[……]

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狂魔歪傳 I-狂魔週末夜

殺人魔”們”就連周末的休閒都很不一樣…!參加這一趴的狂魔有:羊男的迷宮(Pan’s Labyrinth)-無眼瞳魔(Pale Man),牠:小丑回魂(It:Chapter One)-潘尼懷斯(Pennywis)、喬治(Georgie),十三號星期五(Friday the 13th)-傑森(Jason Voorhees),德州電鋸殺人狂(The Texas Chain Saw Massacre)-皮臉(Leatherface),半夜鬼上床(A Nightmare on Elm Street)-弗萊迪(Freddy Krueger)[……]

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