Art is much less important than life,but what a poor life without it。藝術遠不比生活重要,但是沒有藝術的生活多麼乏味呀![……]
MLB明星球員 Derek Jeter(德瑞克‧基特)
There may be people who have more talent than you,But there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do。比你有天賦的人大有人在,但這不能成為你偷懶的藉口。[……]
NFL傳奇球星 Joe Namath(喬‧納馬斯)
If you aren’t going all the way,why go at all?如果你不打算勇往直前,那你打算去哪兒?[……]
愛爾蘭作家 Oscar Wilde(奧斯卡·王爾德)
Morality,like art,means drawing a line someplace。道德像藝術一樣,需要在某處畫上一條線。[……]
美國心理學家 B. F. Skinner(史金納):the Shame of American Education(1984)