

How are you doing this,Vincent?

How have you done any of this?


You want to know how I did it?

This is how I did it,Anton。

I never saved anything for the swim back。


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Rocky VI:Rocky Balboa(洛基 6:勇者無懼)

The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows,It is a very mean and nasty place,And it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it,You,me,or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life。這世界並非凡事美好、如意,而是個無情、險惡的地方,軟弱只會使你被擊倒並且永遠無法再次振作,沒有任何人可以倖免。But it ain’t how hard you hit,It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward,That’s how winning is done。但是人生不只在於你能多麼使力揮擊,更在於你能承受多重的考驗與挑戰,並不斷向前邁進,這才是成功之道。[……]

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